Guided Tours of the Historic Old Town

Over a thousand years of history are just waiting to be discovered in Torgau, including the glory days of the Renaissance, Reformation and Residence of the Saxon Electors, as well as the darker chapters of the city’s past. Impressive images and discoveries await on a tour of the historic old town with over 500 individual monuments, churches and Hartenfels Castle.


  • The tour price includes 19% VAT and applies to groups up to 25 people.
  • surcharge for each additional person € 1.00 per hour
  • 1 hour: € 110.00 I 2 hours: € 140.00 I 3 hours: € 185.00
  • City tours in special Renaissance garb: additional fee / group € 25.00
Entrance fee for the churches, exhibitions or museums is to be calculated in addition to the guide price.